Hi Guys,
The purpose of writing this E mail to make users problems easier
Today after long R&D I found the the host name using the web browser
In general we see the host name using command prompt or going to system properties
But here when we take the system remote access by using citrix,vnc,ammy admin,RDP...
In some cases there will be now command prompt and system properties option in that we can know our computer name using browser
NOTE: use only Internet Explorer(IE)
use http://%computername% in URL field
It will show as page can't be displayed below description as well as URL will show the host name and computer name
You can run the batch file
By saving the code in notepad and save it as .bat extension and save it on required Hostname DESKTOP
echo %computername% >> c:\users\%username%\Desktop\computername.html
"c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe" c:\users\%username%\Desktop\computername.html